Monday, April 28, 2008

And neither are you.

Though I wish you were.

Life would be a lot easier.

"Ask and you shall receive."

8:22 PM

innocent always

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



1. Laugh Away
2. My Generation
3. Find me
4. No way
5. Namidairo
6. Daydreamer
7. Love is all
8. I will love you
9. We will go
11. My friend
13. Am I wrong?

I LOVED YESTERDAY is Yui's 3rd album. It has sold about 260,000 copies on the Japanese Oricon Charts and has held the number 1 position for about two weeks now. Yui herself is a young acoustic based Japanese musician. She plays acoustic guitar in all her songs and writes all of her lyrics. Her album title is a reference to the popular Beatle's classic "Yesterday."

The album opens on a strong, spring note with the upbeat and inspiring Laugh Away. Yui immediately draws the listener in with her catchy "Get away, get away"s and addictive chorus. The instrumentation is also quite addictive too. Laid back, yet upbeat, and springish, but not too springish, the guitar and percussion in the song instantly transport the listener to their favorite place- whether it is a hill, flower, field or beach. 10/10

Next up is the first single from the album My Generation. This is another upbeat song, but with a more mature sound than Laugh Away. Although they are both the same type of "cheer up, it's all going to be ok" song, Yui manages to create a different atmosphere between the two, despite the fact that My Generation is pretty much a Laugh Away part 2. However, there is no denying that this is yet another high quality song from Yui. 8.3/10

Moving away from the upbeat songs, Yui goes into a more slower paced and relaxed style in Find Me. A la
Blogger: Momentum - Create Postid back, mid-tempo tune with a surprisingly loud chorus. This isn't a bad song, it just sounds so average after the previous two tracks. 7/10

Back to fast paced songs! Yui throws her listener into a spiral of punk guitar riffs and raging percussion in the interlude No Way. For a short interlude (it's only 1:18 long). Its quite catchy and memorable. 9/10

Ballad time! The next song Namidairo is a calm acoustic based ballad that sounds like something Michelle Branch or the sort would put out. I cannot say it is one of my favorite ballads, but it is still catchy and emotional. Especially the chorus. 8.4/10

What's this? Yui doing full out rock? Electric guitar dominates Daydreamer, and I really have to commend Yui from stepping out of her acoustic comfort zone on this song. Daydreamer is a great song, and definitely one of my favorites from the album. Everything about it is perfect- the lyrics, the chorus, the verses, the guitar. Definitely a must listen. 10/10

Now we have Love is all, another mid-paced song similar to Find me. Except it is executed ten times better. Especially in the chorus. Yui manipulates her voice during the chorus, and this is what makes it stand out. 8.2/10

How can describe I will love is definitely a lay on the ground and look at the sky kind of song. The type of song one would just lay on the ground and watch the clouds go by. Some people may find this song boring, but I like it. 7.9/10

Back to the upbeat stuff is We Will Go, a track with a unique snare drum pattern in the background. Unfortunately, this is all the song has going for it-other than that, it is kind of generic. I can't say much about it except it is average and forgettable. 6.9/10

OH YEAH manages to bring the album back to a high standard, however. My oh my, this song gets stuck in your head. From Yui's soft whisperings of "Baby..." to the fun refrain and "oooh oooh ooohs...", this is definitely a fun summer beach song. Really makes me want to go to the beach...9/10

The subtle and mellow My friend follows, and it is quite a sweet song. Another possibly boring song for some, but it is quite sweet sounding, despite its genericness. 7/10

The album gets really dark all of a sudden with Love and Truth. The song itself sounds dark from the start, with its orchestral beginning, light acoustic strums, and Yui's desperate and emotional vocals. A really sad song with a refrain that rings of a dark and lonely desert...this is truly a song of loneliness and despair. 10/10

The album concludes with a really mellow track Am I wrong?. Am I wrong? ends the album on a bittersweet note, and serves as the foil for the album's opening Laugh Away. A nice way to bring it to a close. 7.5/10.

Overall, I enjoyed I LOVED YESTERDAY. Definitely a really good album for those who are into acoustic music. Yui's style is actually pretty fresh in the Jpop industry, and I commend her for continuing to just be herself in her music. Give it a listen, even if a few of the tracks are a little boring.

Overall = 8.4 = B

Good job Yui :] For those interested, check out the video for Laugh Away here:

8:58 PM

innocent always

Monday, April 14, 2008

"We were not born to live, just putting on a mask and hiding our face like the dead..."

Secrets can be interesting.

Everyone has one. Or two. Or a few hundred. Whatever the case, they're almost always hidden. Either to protect someone or themselves.

But why hide something if it eats away at you?

Why hold back?

I think that's why I love honesty and face to face talking over IM and stuff.

I like being able to say whatever I want to people. It is empowering.

I like how I dont have to hide anything in this. We're always open with each other.

I like that.

8:59 PM

innocent always

Sunday, April 13, 2008

So I am thinking, as I usually do at this time of night.

And I could be cool and write stories like everyone else, but I do not like writing stories.

I think if you guys are taking the time to read my blog, you actually want to know what's up with me rather than read little random non-amusing stories (seriously, I am not that creative).

It bothers me how superficial and image-based this world has become.

In order to be popular and for people to love you, one has to be young,hip,beautiful, and happy all the time.

Why can someone just be normal and be loved by the general public? Why does America as a whole worship people who sleep around and have no talent at all?

Although this world is full of miracles, I must say it is full of stupidity too.

Humanity....I question it so much. Humans claim to be higher than animals, but it puzzles me how a species based around sex and money is any different.

That is what everything revolves around is it not? Sex and money? It is what drives friends and families apart, and the reasons why crime exists.

It sickens me how low humans can be.

9:08 PM

innocent always

So perhaps I think about the future too much. is mine to grasp.

And grasp it I will.

The future scares me and excites me at the same time.

The people I will meet that will change my life forever.

I wonder what their names are. What they look like. Are they fun-loving? Do they like to go out? What do they do for fun?

I guess I'll find out soon enough eh?

I wonder. Are they thinking about what I am like right now?

12:54 AM

innocent always

Friday, April 11, 2008

After much thought, I have decided to transfer back to Momentum as my main blog :]

I abandoned it a while back when I started a new one, but alas, I feel it is time to come back here and share everything that's been going on with me.

It is the end of the year now pretty much...and so much has happened to me this final year of high school.

I got into my dream school. Claremont McKenna College. I still cannot believe I got in and am actually going there.

I am finally formally learning Japanese.

I have become a lot more open to certain aspects of college life.

I have realized how much I truly value my friends. Seriously, I would not believe alive, sane, and have achieved my dreams if it were not for them.

To everyone reading this, do not abuse your friends. Especially your best friend. Your best friend is the one who is always standing by you even after you just yelled at them. Your best friend is the one who sends you music you or him cannot understand whenever you ask him too. Your best friend is the one who always listens to you. Always. No matter how busy he is doing homework. He is the one supporting you 24/7. And he always does what you ask and makes sure you are happy. Always.

Thanks a bunch to you. I'll always be grateful for all the things you have done for me. :]

Miracles....I used to not believe them.

But now...I think they are real. Only they never really happen by chance only...we can make them ourselves too (Jesus free!)

I myself know this because I have made my own with the help of several others...

This world...truly is beautiful and miraculous...isnt it?

3:14 PM

innocent always

This love is pulling me apart because I don't know who I am.

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