Thursday, May 31, 2007

I am so fucking fucked up.


11:52 PM

innocent always

I'm gone

I've lost myself

I dont know who I am

I dont know who you are

Youre tearing me apart

stop it

stop it

stop it

11:49 PM

innocent always

You gladly gave me everything you had and more

You craved my happiness

When you made me feel joy it made you smile

but now I feel your stress

10:10 PM

innocent always

I need a miracle and not someone's charity

I don't know right now.

I hate summer.

I can't focus.

I know what you are thinking and what you want.

you can't have that with me.

I apologize.

All that is sending me is most likely ending me

10:03 PM

innocent always

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So here we are.

It is summer.

There you are, and here I am.

I hate the summer.

Kind of.

I hate it because I do not get to see anyone as much.

I do like not having to worry about school, but still.

I worry that the gap between me and you will widen.

And I do not want that.

10:45 PM

innocent always

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Am I just some thing you used to get around?

The person you step on to get higher?

You liar.



And fool.

There is no me anymore. He's burned away.

Hope or pain?

My choice?

I cannot have either one.

I always pick one, and the other comes along.

How long will this go on?

How long will I be forced to bleed all over the floor for you?

And I still don't understand your intent.

Go fuck somebody already. I serve you no purpose in that area, so go find someone who can.


I am so fucked up.

9:42 PM

innocent always

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Question of the day:

Am I getting fat?

10:49 PM

innocent always

This love is pulling me apart because I don't know who I am.

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DESIGNER : xday-dreamerzx
CODINGS : mariam
BRUSHES : i forgot -.-"